Part 88: Great Aidios, who art in the sky. us who stand upon this chaotic earth.
-Ancient Makes-

The dragon is above the Malga Mine. Look at the display.

Malga...So it's in Rolent!

I'm amazed we found it...

A good question. We need to lure it to the lake, but we cannot afford to let it near the capital.

...Our interception point shall be near the Lenhardt River estuary! Patrol ships! Lure the dragon to the riverside! Attack ships, forward!

Aye, sir!

This is the Arseille to all ships.

Our interception point will be the Lenhardt River estuary. All patrol ships, lead the dragon to the interception point. Use formation B! Attack ships, launch and proceed to the interception point!

Perhaps I need to settle this myself...

...No. If I act, it will simply be the same thing all over again.

Hah...He and I are in the same position, I suppose.

Great Aidios, who art in the sky. us who stand upon this chaotic earth.

Estimate their arrival at 1220 hours!


Full speed ahead! Put us southwest of the interception point.

Aye, sir.

Restore orbal power flow to all sections! Ahead full! Helm, take us to the southwest of the Lenhardt River estuary!

Tranquilizer rounds loaded and ready.

All right. All that's left is to wait for the dragon to show up.

All attack ships, prepare to fire. Begin attack on my command.

Aye, sir!


And it begins...

I think we got it!

Absolutely incredible.

Hah, not even a dragon could stand up against this!

My goodness...such spectacle. What a performance.

Confirming splashdown of dragon into Lake Valleria! Shall we proceed as planned and bind it, sir?


As soon as you've confirmed it safe, bring the Arseille down. We'll perform a water landing and inspect the dragon ourselves.

Aye, sir!
-Tetracyclic Tower-

No response from the dragon.

Right, then...time to see this with my own eyes.

Captain, accompany me.


Yes, you should come, too. This is an ancient dragon of legend. Not exactly something you'll get to see every day.
